"Every child deserves a home." --Harry Holt

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

THIS momma has 7 of her babies living under her roof. Come Spring (hopefully before???) she will have all 12 of her babies living under her roof. Her family is in process to bring 5 more 'babies' (I use that term loosely), into the family from Ethiopia. Sometimes, I'm struggling with just the 1 baby, so I pretty perk up my ears/eyes when she has an idea. THIS was her idea, and I thought I'd give it a try.   
You didn't click the links, did you? Know how I know? I'm often too lazy to click them either. It's like I'm afraid I'll get lost on the internet and never find my way back. Okay, well, her idea is to post something you and I are thankful of for the next 30 days, seeing as how it is the month of Thanksgiving and all. I'm certainly not worried about coming up with something I'm thankful every day. I'm simply worried I may be mocked and laughed at for the idiocy that I come up with. OH WELL. Wouldn't be the first time! Won't you join in? You can blog/tweet/facebook your thankfulness. Maybe it will make someone smile? Maybe it will make you smile? I spew lots of unimportantness onto this blog/journal and facebook, I might as well make some of it positive!  

Ready? Set. Go!  

Day 1: I'm going to start out easy. I am thankful for my cute lil' family of 3. The husband took the daughter trick-or-treating last night, while I sat in a friend's front yard and chatted. Of course, he wouldn't let me eat any of the candy afterwards because I didn't do any of the work, but he happily pushed Cupcake dressed as a cupcake around our friend's neighborhood. One of my greatest joys the last 3 months has been watching a man so deserving of fatherhood, completely thrive in the role of 'daddy.' He is silly and playful with our daughter and then when I jokingly tell him that he looks, "so manly pushing a cute little girl in a bright pink stroller with flowers all over it," he responds with the utmost serious response, "That's why I flex the whole time I'm pushing her, so my arms look buff and manly." Oh.my.word.  

Part 2 of this would be that so grateful for our daughter. She is a giggly, wiggly, precious pearl. I am beyond grateful to have taken a year off from work to stay home with her. She has changed every.single.aspect of my life. Those of you out there who have been parents for longer than 3 minutes are thinking, "DUH!" Well, I knew that it would happen, but I didn't know how it would actually FEEL. It is both amazing and exhausting. I saw a little kid's shirt today that said, "What did they do before me?" The shirt struck me. Truthfully? I didn't do anything nearly as important as I do now! How did I get through my days without singing the ABC's and melting into utter-hysterics when a 1 year old did the "piggy noise?" So, this paragraph doesn't cut it, but Cupcake and the husband bring enormous joy to my days. I am thankful/grateful/contented/appreciative/obliged/satisfied.   

Another adoptive momma found this costume at Old Navy. Pretty perfect for a kiddo we call Cupcake! I resist the urge to have her wear this costume at least 2x/week. Sweetest Cupcake ever...

1 comment:

SaraLyons said...

I love it! Its a perfect costume for her! Happy Halloween!


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