"Every child deserves a home." --Harry Holt

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Gratitude: Day 13

I'm grateful for prayer. I've grown much more thankful for prayer over the last year and a half than I ever had been before. I got me through some tough times, where everything was completely out of my control. I HATE that feeling. I like cause and effect situations much, much better. They are my comfort zone. For example, if I study hard for this test, I am likely to get a good grade. If I work, I get a paycheck. If I shower, I will feel clean. You get the picture. I like situations where I have some 'say' in how things turn out. 

There have been an incredible number of situations in the last year and a half, where no action I could take would influence the outcome. Enter, prayer. Admittedly, this is often the last thing on my mental checklist...bad, me. Now that I've opened that dialogue in a more meaningful and consistent manner, it eases those difficult situations. I'm thankful for those that have prayed for me, and for those people that gently remind me that prayer is something I can turn to. I don't so much like being 'told,' but I do appreciate the gentle reminder. Kinda like when my mom says, "I'll pray over that for you," and I'm like, "Hey, why didn't I think of that????" 

So, if you are struggling with something, or you know someone who is struggling with something and you aren't sure how you can help them, I encourage you to pray. There is no 'special formula' and it can feel awkward the first few times, but I have found that when I make it consistent, it becomes easier and more natural, and it changes me for the better from the inside out. It is amazing how it changes things around me as well. 

A couple of verses that have entered my life in a number of ways this week:
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:26-28 
**Even in those times that we aren't sure what or how to pray, we can just meditate on it, or have 'wordless groans' as it says, and the spirit STILL intercedes on our behalf. Pretty amazing!

1 comment:

SaraLyons said...

Just wanted to say I love the new blog picture. So cute to see a family of 3!!


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