"Every child deserves a home." --Harry Holt

Friday, November 4, 2011

Gratitude: Day 4

I am deeply grateful to have this year off from work. I was going to get 5 paid days of maternity leave and then would have ended up taking time unpaid. Instead, I took an entire year unpaid. Of course, the extra budgeting has been less than fun, but what a small price to pay. I'll admit, there are days when our routine at home feels monotonous, and I think about how nice it would be to be at work. Those moments don't last when I think about how work can be so stressful. Being at home has allowed Cupcake and I to create a pretty incredible bond. She has lived in 4 different places in her short life, and has had many caretakers. Each of her caretakers loved her, and I'm deeply grateful for that. Having me home has taught her that I am safe, I am trustworthy and I love her. She has also learned that I can be manipulated with silly farm animal noises, big smiles and tears. Darn, smarty pants... These last few months together are beginning to convince her that we are here to stay whether she likes it or not. 

I'm grateful to have been in the position to take a year leave, and to have it granted by my school district. I'm grateful to have a husband that encouraged me to do it. I'm just grateful...

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