"Every child deserves a home." --Harry Holt

Monday, November 21, 2011

Gratitude: Day 21

I'm thankful for CaringBridge. My #1 "wish" would be to move closer to family, especially when there is a medical 'issue' happening with a family member. I have a hard time 'sitting on my laurels" when I want to be delivering meals or doling out hugs to my loved ones in need. It seems like it has been 14 months of a 'family member in need,' with tiny (very tiny) breaks in between. Since I still live so far away from pretty much every.single.family.member, I'm grateful to CaringBridge. It really does bridge the gap. I can check-in on my loved ones and get the message of what is going on with them. It helps me to know how to specifically pray for that person. It is an easy way to leave  a loving, supportive message. I'll be thankful for the day when I am not waiting for an update on any family members, but until then, I'm thankful to CB for helping spread the word. 

Now, if you could, I'm just asking for prayers for my godmother/aunt who is battle APL Leukemia. It has been a tough road for her and her family the last couple of weeks, but she is not a quitter. She oozes love and positivity. We love that about her! We have faith that a complete recovery is in her not too distant future, but it is the 'getting there' part that is hard...

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