"Every child deserves a home." --Harry Holt

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Mailbox is Not My Friend

Friday marks 1 month since we completed our home study visits. So, it is entirely possible that this post is premature, but I'm not so good with the waiting. We moved and so we have a new postal carrier. I wonder if I should explain why I sprint out to the mailbox as soon as I see him? Nah! I was kind of hoping that our notarized home study would be here by today so that we can get it State Certified and then send in our Dossier and get on that wait list. Guess I will just have to play peek-a-boo with the US Postal Service a little longer...

In other news: Remember the pic of the $20 lawn mower that my thrifty husband purchased??? It has been replaced :) It made it 2.5 mows before having issues. Kevin's dear, sweet grandparents donated a nice lawn mower to the cause of the first time backyard owners. THANK YOU!!! I'm looking at my freshly mowed lawn, and it is beautiful! Speaking of which, lawn care talk cracks me up. I think it is a middle class conversation only. Maybe I just don't get it, but it's just grass, right? I like it mowed, but other than that, I don't so much care. I think the weeds we have growing all over the place are sort of pretty :)

Wow, I guess this is what my life has come to in the absence of work and lack of adoption news. I am thinking about the weirdness of lawn care. My apologies to blog world. 

The only other things going on: Kevin's mouth is healing nicely from having his 4 wisdom teeth removed, and I ordered more adoption shirts! If you want in, let me know! You can see them to the right. Just order one via paypal or shoot me an e-mail. Have a wonderful week. Hopefully, I have more exciting news soon!

1 comment:

Becky Nakashima Brooke said...

I hear you! I think that my neighbors think that someone died everytime I go to the mailbox. I know it will be here soon, but it is really really hard waiting.


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