"Every child deserves a home." --Harry Holt

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Divine Timing

Today, darling girl, you turned 6 months old! Yay for making it 1/2 a year sweet girl! We pray for your growth and development every single day, and according to the recent health update and now the pictures we received...prayers are being answered! You look fantastic, and oh so sweet. Your hair is AMAZING! We LOVE it, and one of us (me) has anxiety about learning to properly care for it. So much life and love in your eyes. Oh, and how can I forget those feet!? We didn't get to see your little tootsies in the first pictures we received of you. We get to see them now! They are soooo big for your little body! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!

Well, the new pictures were great (divine) timing. We had one of your new pictures with a cupcake to sing to you. What a great day to get new pictures of you!

We're coming sweet girl...57 days (almost 56!)!!!!!!!!!


christinacailao said...

Happy 6 months, beautiful baby girl!

Tamara B said...

awesome news Lindsie. We'll be in Ethiopia about the same time. Or crossing paths in the air. so glad you get to meet your girl!!!!


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