"Every child deserves a home." --Harry Holt

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Happy 5 Month Birthday Sweet Girl!!!!

I had a pretty loooooooong day today. Started with an early meeting, and ended with parent/teacher conferences. Last night, I had made a comment to K that it was already the 22nd in Ethiopia which means our darling girl is now 5 months old. *sigh* We said a prayer that she would know she is loved and someone would hopefully give her an extra snuggle. I was busy today, which made it a little 'easier' to not focus too much on how badly I just wanted to hold her. I got a text message from another adopting momma that their little M turned 6 months old today. That made me all teary. I had no idea she was feeling the same way that I was today. I am feeling very fortunate and confident that our girls are just a crib away from each other, and take comfort that when we bring them to America, they will have each other, and know that they truly "grew up" together. They are going to be joined by a cute little guy (he will probably come home first), to this family. So cool that they will all be just a little ways away from each other, and they are all possibly sharing a room! God is good!

So, I finally made it home, and K met me at the door and asked me to join him in the kitchen. He had bought a piece of cake, put 5 PINK candles in it, bought a birthday card, wrote the SWEETEST message, and set our little girls picture by it... we lit the candles and sang happy birthday...well, maybe I choked it out because I was crying at K's thoughtfulness, and missing our baby. 
At the risk of getting into trouble, here is what he wrote (it is too good to not share): 

"Dear Sweet Baby Girl XXXXXXX,
I'm sorry we are not with you on your 5 month birthday. I hope you had a good day. I am looking forward to sharing lots of moments with you. As soon as I saw your beautiful face I loved you. I am so looking forward to meeting you and bringing you home. You are such a perfect angel and I cant wait to have you light up our home. When we get you home we will share many birthday celebrations together. We love you so very much. I pray every day that we get to bring you home soon. Keep growing sweet baby XXXXXXX. We'll see you soon.

--A quick aside, we know that Ethiopia is and always will be her home country, and so when we say 'home' we mean our home. We think of it in the way that "Home is where the heart is," and currently she is our heart living outside of our bodies in a care center in Ethiopia. This little girl already owns us and our hearts. 

So, is there any doubt that there are 2 parents really freaking excited to love on this little tyke???!!!! We're coming darling girl!!!!

Nope, we can't share her picture or name online, hence the green stars... I still wanted to share, though. Please ignore the messy counter in the background! The pic and card are propped up on a special delivery. Thanks J! Couldn't have come on a MORE perfect day, and we LOVE IT!!!!! I have amazing friends and family...


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